Products and Services: The McGarity Group LLC

Personal Injury-Gwinnett

Experienced Injury Lawyers of the McGarity Group The McGarity Group attorneys have dealt with hundreds of these types of cases with very successful results for clients. We handle all aspects of your personal injury claim:

    Personal Injury-Atlanta

    Providing comprehensive services for a variety of personal injury matters As Georgia personal injury attorneys, we have experience in guiding accident victims through difficult times. We are proficient in personal injury law and dealing with insurance companies to obtain a positive result for you. We provide you top-quality representation in the following types of accident injuries:

      Accident Injuries

      Types of accident injuries in Atlanta that fall under personal injury law Personal injury law, also called tort law, pertains to any injury, harm, wrong or damage caused by the negligence or actions of another party. Personal injuries include harm or death suffered due to the following:

        Accidental Death

          Wrongful Death

          Wrongful acts Wrongful death law in Gwinnett County and in Georgia defines wrongful acts within two categories: - See more at:

            Wrongful Death Lawsuits


              Types of accidents Our accident law firm in Atlanta serves people who have suffered a personal injury or loss arising out of dangerous accidents, such as the following:

                Commercial Litigation

                Business litigation often presents a challenge to a company’s ongoing operations and imperils financial security. Businesses engaged in litigation waste valuable resources, thereby reducing profitability as well as reputation within the community. Addressing issues and concerns and receiving proper counsel at the onset provides for profit maximization and peace of mind.

                  Divorce/Family Law

                  The McGarity Group has many years of experience in helping clients deal with the trials and tribulations of the issues surrounding divorce and family law. We can help you in good times and bad.

                    Estate and Trust Litigation

                    What The McGarity Group can do for you

                      Zoning and Land Use Litigation

                      Zoning and Land Use Litigation